Trump always acts in only his own self-interest, and never in consideration of what is best for this country.  If you even question that absolute, undeniable fact, then you have been willfully blind.

But as if yet another glaring example of that is needed, we certainly have yet another one.  The Senate has worked out a bi-partisan deal on the budget that includes most of the demands that Republicans have been making about the border. 

Most Democrats have sucked it up and agreed because they know they need to get funding for Ukraine.  My guess is that a lot of them would also prefer that that were more strings attached to the Israel aid.  Progressives are not happy at all because they correctly oppose many of the Republican border demands.

But Democrats are, as usual, willing to compromise for the greater good.  The main greater goods are to avoid a government shutdown and to provide funding for Ukraine.


Ready to go.

Let’s get this done.

Yeah, right.

Trump is now tanking any deal because he somehow thinks a government shutdown would hurt Biden, and a budget deal would help Biden.  Anything that hurts Biden and helps Trump is ALL the Orange One has ever cared about.

My advice to Biden and the Democrats – tell Trump and the Republicans to SUCK IT !

Then go out at the top of your lungs and sell it hard to the American public as absolute proof that Trump and the Republicans do not give one, Tinker’s Damn about the country, and never have.

The immigration issue is very important and needs to have serious solutions implemented.  But immigration is an AMERICAN problem – not just a Democrat one as Republicans would have you believe.  It is way past time that Democrats make that point absolutely clear. 

This idiotic move by Trump and the Republicans seems to provide a golden opportunity to do just that.

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