WHAT ARE DEBORAH & ROG UP TO: Master Bedroom Remodel

This project was definitely Deborah’s baby.  She has had in mind to do some significant remodeling of the master bedroom for some time.  Although we had been thinking about starting, we planned it with the contractors to not begin work until after the holidays.

The project really started with us ordering, and receiving, one of those number style mattress systems, where both sides can be independently programmed to have varying softness or hardness.  I say number style because we chose not to buy one of the more expensive Sleep Number systems.

After research, we purchased a system called Personal Comfort.  Besides the lower price, its features compared very favorably to the better known Sleep Number mattresses.  Now after having slept on the mattress for almost 4 months, we remain very pleased with our purchase.

If you’re interested, here is a link to that company’s website and you can see where they do a side-by-side comparison of their bed with the Sleep Number – obviously their primary competitor.



One side-effect of the purchase of that new mattress system was that we were left with a perfectly usable, king-size memory foam mattress that we had been using.  That became the motivation for me to build a king-size murphy bed for the 2nd bedroom which has now become Deborah’s office.  Description of that project can be found in my post …



WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Rista CloseupOne of the things that I contributed to this master bedroom remodel was to seek out two, 10” round, 8’ high posts into which I had the local lumber yard carve ristas.

The contractors began their work in earnest in February and completed their work prior to us taking our somewhat ill-fated driving trip to Texas in March.  I say ill-fated because that trip was definitely affected, and ultimately slightly shortened by, the beginning of the business closings caused by the emergence of Covid-19.

The first part of the project was to build the lowered ceiling area which now encloses the area right above the head of the bed.   While they were doing that, Deborah and I completed the process of having the two, posts with the carved latillas finished.

I was not pleased with the way the initial staining looked and had the contractor strip the posts completely, leaving only the area of the ristas, which he had initially painted.  I proceeded to apply a stain and finish which ultimately turned out much better.  Deborah touched up the ristas to give them a much more finished appearance as well.

Once that lower ceiling was built, and the posts installed, the next task was to complete repainting of both the master bedroom and the master bedroom.

A decorative, plaster-like finish was used, instead of paint, produced by the company Variance.  Deborah had them use an off-white for the main walls and ceiling and a copper color for the area immediately above the bed. During application, a stain was added which, in addition to the plaster, created some sort of chemical reaction which created a blotching (on white) and wavy (on copper) effect.

WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Variance Samples

Like I said, this was Deborah’s idea and she worked with the contractors to make sure she got the finish she wanted, and it did turn out very nicely.

With some overlap to the time when the bedroom remodelers were onsite, we also had a new roof installed on our southwestern, pueblo-style home.  Flat roofs are prone to leaking and ours was almost 20 years old.  In fact, some noticeable leaking effects on a portion of our master bedroom wall somewhat accelerated this entire remodel.

The finished product turned out very well indeed.  We had some recessed spot lighting installed above the bed which Deborah utilizes nightly.  I also asked them to install an electrical outlet in the wall directly above the bed.  That will at some point be used to create lighting behind a wood carving project that I have planned for some time in the near future.

The following pictures are from various points all along the remodel process.

WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Powerpoint Design


WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Project Progression 01

WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Project Progression 02


WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Rista Progression 01WHAT ARE DEB AND ROG UP TO - Master Bedroom Remodel - Rista Progression 02

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