175 – THE GAZA WAR MUST END … NOW ! An Editorial

The Gaza war has now gone on for over seven months and counting.

In what universe does the murder of 1200 people and the taking of hostages, no matter how horrific those murders were, in any way possible justify the killing of more than 30,000 Palestinians, many of them women, children, doctors, health care workers and even humanitarian aid providers?

In what universe is it then justified to almost completely destroy a people’s homeland and force millions of people into homelessness and starvation?

I’ll tell you in what universe.

The war must end. 

All humanitarian aide blockades must end.

Netanyahu and the extremist government must be at the very least removed, if not prosecuted.

Israel must agree to a lasting, two state solution.

Israel must pay to completely rebuild Gaza.

THAT is the only way that Hamas can ever truly be eliminated.  All that has been accomplished by this war is that the perpetuation of Hamas has been ensured for generations to come.

Quick Quips: Gov. Kristi Noem’s Future

Thank God for small favors.

The ONLY possible good thing about knowing that South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem shot a 14 month old dog and a goat (her own admission) is that it should hopefully kill the chances of continuing her own political career as well.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.