I heard this discussion earlier today by Jake Tapper on CNN (not exactly Jesse Waters on Fox) about recent comments by Bernie Sanders saying that Gaza may eventually be considered to be Biden’s Vietnam, just as Vietnam had been the downfall of Lyndon Johnson.

As I have done in previous editorials, I will take this opportunity to once again paraphrase the courageous students of Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School in Florida after their horrendous school shooting …

There is no question that I disagree with any continued support of Israel while they continue this complete destruction of Gaza.  It must stop immediately and I find it hard to believe that Biden has not also come to that same conclusion.  Here is a link to my last post I wrote about exactly that.

This stopped being about support of the State of Israel, and support of the Jewish people, months and months ago, not to mention thousands of Palestinian deaths ago as well.  The question is now whether or not we continue to support the heinous continued actions of Netanyahu and of his far right wing government.  We cannot.

But to suggest in any way that this should reflect upon Biden’s prospects of retaining the American Presidency is absolute, complete insanity.

Natanyahu doesn’t even try to disguise his contempt for Obama, and by extension for Biden.  Netanyahu loves Trump, and the feeling is mutual (but only, of course, as long as Trump sees it working to his political benefit).  Netanyahu seeks to have the very similar type of authority in Israel that Trump wants to have here in the U.S.

  • At least Biden continues to tell Netanyahu that the deaths of civilians is wrong and that there must be no ground invasion of Rafah.

  • At least Biden has continued to push for the unrestricted flow of humanitarian aide efforts, and has even continued to construct the off shore port to allow the access of humanitarian aide from the sea, and he has supported air drops.

  • At least Biden has Secretary Blinken trying to push cease fire negotiations with the Quataris and with the rest of the international community.

Does anyone in their right, friggin’ mind think that Trump would have done ANY of that?

Never mind all the thousands of other reasons that the despicable human being named Donald Trump should never, ever again have any opportunity to reclaim the White House.

So absolutely, criticize Biden all you want for his failure to completely and immediately stop any further U.S. support for the Netanyahu government’s continued aggression in Gaza.  I agree. 

But do not for one single second think that it in any way, shape or form makes Donald Trump even the least bit more infinitesimally preferable as an alternative this coming November.