It has been so frustrating to read and listen to the handwringing and potential impending doom written and spoken about by many pundits since last Thursday.  I expect as much from Fox News, and from Trump’s countless Republican sycophants.  But there are many in the so-called mainstream media who should most definitely know better.

So Todd Blanche finally managed to do just a miniscule amount of semi-effective defense lawyering. 

Expressions of

Liar, liar. Pants of fire.”

do not a Perry Mason make.

I am very hopeful that Alan Bragg’s team, while not helping to blow that one conversation out of proportion in their response, both in prosecution redirect of Michael Cohen’s cross examination by the defense, and also in their eventual summation, will clearly point out that just because Blanche says something, in no makes it so.

Only Michael Cohen, Keith Schiller and the Orange One know for certain whether Schiller handed the phone over to Trump for the remainder of that brief phone call that has been brought into question.  And only one of those three for damn sure has and will ever testify about that phone call under oath.

Cohen clarified his testimony to say that it is now his belief  that the phone was handed off and that he spoke with Trump, even briefly, about the Stormy payment.   Who the Hell is Blanche to say for certain that what Cohen is saying is a lie?  If Trump told him that, it is still heresay on Blanche’s part because he did not take part in the conversation. 

Let Trump get on the stand and say that under oath. 

Oh, right. 

THAT is never going to happen.

Did Cohen say in his response to the prosecution that he was absolutely certain that he spoke with Trump?  I don’t believe that he did.  Anything that anyone ever says about conversations or events that happened even yesterday, much less years ago, must always be considered to be at the very least somewhat “to the best of their recollection”.   

But the bottom line is, there are many other occasions that Cohen has testified to in which he spoke with Trump about Stormy.  There are even direct admissions of such from Trump himself as well as by others.  So whether or not it was mentioned in that one, specific call – Cohen certainly believes that it was – it is not only not  contradicted by any other under oath testimony, Trump’s knowledge of the ongoing scheme has been firmly established well “beyond a reasonable doubt”.

So, with all due respect to Earl Stanley Gardner, let’s just stop with all of this bullshit.

To paraphrase a quote from former Vice Presidential candidate Senator Lloyd Bentsen …

“Todd Blanche. 

You sir, are no Perry Mason.”