The trial wrapped up today and now closing statements and jury instructions will proceed next Tuesday morning, with the case then being given to the jury.

The ONLY thing absolutely certain is this.  If the jury returns a Guilty verdict, it will be hailed by many as “about friggin’ time” and Trump will lead his band of sycophants and denialists in claiming that the fix was in from the start.  Corrupt judge, corrupt prosecutor, corrupt liberal, New York jury, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt …

Really hard to read any tea leaves.  There certainly are signs that the trial ended very poorly for the defense.  Costello was a complete ass on the stand as the defense’s last witness.  He left quite the impression with the jurors to stew on for a week. 

Costello quite possibly turned a lot of the jury off, especially those who were leaning against Trump to begin with.  He certainly did his very best to piss off the judge.  But then again, Trump and his team have pretty much been deliberately trying to do that all along.

However, if you listen to alternative news/facts (Fox, Newsmax, et al), you would think that the jury were all high fiving Trump as they left the courtroom.

Thank God this thing will at least soon be over.

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